June 8, 2009

PICS. My photo art.

I haven't tried painting with light again because of time. On some assignments, I did have time to play with the environment, manly pictures without people. These would almost never make it into a paper unless it were a feature.

This first picture is from a photography exhibit by Eastside High School's Photo Club. These 11 graders were quite good. The photo of the eye stood as the center of interest on that wall.

Whenever I see funny pictures on the internet I always wonder where they find them. Now I know. This clock actually works displaying the correct time. I found it at the Civic Media Center on Main street. The clock was at a slant but it only added a little more personality.

What have I been up to?

Well since starting my reporting class I have been doing nothing put trying to get interviews, writing and worrying about AP style errors in my papers. That has proven difficult because I still lose about 15-35 points per article. On the upside, My work have been published in the Alligator. Both were very short, about 5" each but I was my first two attempts and both were published.

They can be found here and here.

I also had a few photo assignments which were published with other anticles.

Those can be found here and here.

I am currently working on another article for Thursday about the digital television switch. However, the article can only be completed if Bob Woods, City of Gainesville spokesman, would get back to me. I hate having to track down this man everytime I need to get the city's stance on an issue. You would think the city would provide a more available person.

Anyway, I added two more items to my most wanted list. Remember: the lense and the flash.
These items are a new desktop, MAC or PC perferably PC, sorry but I want to play Assassin's Creed 2, and a copy of Adobe Photoshop CS4.

So to anyone selling any of those items let me know.

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